jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

In response to Estrella’s amazing article: Neuroplasticity

As a psychology student, I can no imagine a better comment like this one. After reading the article (Estrella’s comments too, of course), I should say that there are more than words on it. I have passed a lot of years hearing about how neurons can die, how they will not reproduce anymore. If you remember the cartoons called ‘Once upon a time… Life’, you should know what I am speaking about. These little red blood cells died at the end. Nevertheless, Science confirms nowadays that this is not true. Your neurons can be born in your mature period (not all of them but some specific ones). You will get this with practice. Little did I suspect that this fact could be real; surprisingly, it does.

Estrella told us about the happiness, the importance to find new routines in order to get it. She is right. Our brain is ready to get up if we fall, it is up to us. I would like to add that there are many different new solutions to discover how to be happy. Not only do you come across with them searching by the net, but you may look around and see them. One of this solutions that is coming to my mind is something called ‘Attraction law’. There are so many different ways to face this concept, but in summary deal with the fact that everything you can imagine or think, it will come back to you. If you see in your mind, you will have it. ‘Attraction law’ is in relation with the paragraph before because of the idea of habits. If you think every day that you can get whatever you want, turning your happiness into a routine, you will feel fantastic as a result of training.

To conclude I would like to say that my anxiety disappeared with exercises, I could fight against it with new habits, which support the theory that Estrella brought us. Thanks for your article, I loved it!!!!

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